Mission and Values


Art of Family Living exists to bring glory to God as we provide counsel and guidance to individuals, couples, and families in the community that we serve, exposing them to, and challenging them with, biblical truth about life as it relates to all of their relationships and responsibilities.


Art of Family Living understands and fulfills its calling within the framework of our core values, which define the nature of our ministry. 

1.    The Centrality of Christ - In every aspect of our ministry, the focus will always be the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is our reference point for healthy life relationships (Col 1:15-23).

2.    The Inerrancy of the Bible - The authority for our ministry comes from the truthful Word of God and all that it affirms, and we seek to discover and apply its teaching to all aspects of life (II Tim 3:16-17).

3.    The Undergirding of Prayer - All that we do must have the thorough undergirding of prayer, seeking to express our dependence upon God for guidance in life, in decision making, and for the power to live out His directives through the indwelling Holy Spirit (Eph 6:18-20).

4.    An Environment of Grace - Convinced of the absolute sovereignty of a Holy God, we understand that nothing good happens in our lives that is not the result of His grace or unmerited favor toward us; consequently, our lives must be characterized by that same grace in our interaction with one another (Rom 12:3).

5.    A Missional and Evangelistic Emphasis - The conviction that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation leads us to pursue vigorous means of proclaiming the good news of who He is and the healing He has made available to us, and to encourage others to share that message with those they have influence (Matt 28:19-20).

6. The Importance of Family - Recognizing that the nuclear family was designed by God to be the primary training environment for relational living with Him and one another, we are committed to strengthening the spiritual lives of families through instruction, counsel, and coaching, that they might enjoy all that God intended for their family, as well as being an inspiring example to others that they influence within their community (Eph 5:21-6:4).

7. The Accountability and Partnership of the Local Church – God intended that mankind would be in community with each other through the local community of faith: providing mutual love, care, instruction, accountability, protection, and service to others (Hebrews 10:23-25).